Roasted veggies. I know... you're probably like, erm, not what we signed up for Sana! But hang on, be patient, this one is not your traditional soggy and under seasoned veggies. This one, you guys, is a flavor explosion, texture overdose and as always, seasoned to perfection. Just trust me and make this for your loved ones. I made this with a side of roasted rosemary potatoes and grilled shrimps but it would make an excellent side to chicken or even just by itself. Bonus point, this recipe is vegan! Enjoy :)

1 turnip chopped into 1 inch cubes
1 butternut squash chopped into 1 inch cubes
3-4 carrots chopped into chunks similar in size to the other veggies
handful of slivered almonds (the really thin ones)
2 tbsp chia seeds
quarter cup chopped parsley
1 sun-dried tomato chopped into small pieces
1 shallot chopped finely
olive oil
salt and pepper
Place the veggies (turnips, carrots, and squash) in a large and flat roasting pan, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 400 for 20 minutes or until fully cooked and tender.
In a nonstick pan, add the almonds and chia seeds, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and black pepper. Roast on medium heat while gently mixing/folding to get them to a nice brown color.
In your serving dish, add the chopped parsley, shallots, tomato and the chia/almond mix. Add your veggies on top. Mix well and taste. Add olive oil or lime juice for an extra kick.
You can mix up the veggies and use whatever you have on hand (root vegetables, potatoes, cauliflower etc...)
You can air-fry your vegetables.
The almond and chia seed mix are to add crunch, substitute with quinoa or any nut mix that you like.